Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cutler calls out fans, then doesn’t

This is a couple of days old, but it’s too good to skip, especially with the contrast between the new quarterbacks on the Bears and Broncos in the first story. (Don't miss how Kyle Orton's day at practice went, unless you value your sanity.)

The first story was when Cutler said the Denver fans weren’t as good as the fans of the Chicago Bears, or maybe just that there were fewer of them at training camp. Then he came out and sort of backtracked/explained himself, which sort of makes sense when you look at the quotes again.

Read the stories; they crack me up. For the record I really don’t care if Broncos fans are given any credit for being great fans; I just want us to be loud enough during big games and big moments that no opponent wants to play in Denver.

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