Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Nuggets really started something

As I watch the Rockies tie the game up in the first inning tonight and threaten to do more, I can’t stop thinking what wonderful momentum the Nuggets’ playoff run brought to our city. We ain’t quite Boston, but we’re getting there.

(And it’s 2-1, Colorado.) Of course it would be absurd to suggest that Chauncey Billups can really influence that many athletes, even as great as he is, but suddenly the Denver sports scene is booming again, even in vertically-striped socks.

Today I feel it almost necessary to take back every mean thing I’ve said about the Denver Broncos since they fired Mike Shanahan and traded Jay Cutler. Because this year’s team is good. Why, I don’t know. I mean, Mike Nolan, whose biggest achievement in San Fran was wearing those suits on the sideline, is doing a bang-up Joe Collier impression and putting the 3-4 back in vogue in Denver. The defense is awesome. They forced a three-and-out on New England’s first real crunch-time possession and forced a fumble on the next. The offense’s gradual rally was nice, but the defense saved the game.

I can’t explain the why, though. Was it really just a question of coaching? Teams moved the bill at will all of last year. Kyle Orton is putting up very good numbers without actually looking spectacular. And the new coach, now Mr. McDaniels, hasn’t, other than the “Wild Horses” today, tried anything outwardly fresh. But today was, to me, Denver’s most impressive win of the season. They’ve had dramatic wins, sure, but they came off of what were basically broken plays. Last week’s win over Dallas actually had more to do with Brandon Marshall’s freakish strength and agility, but still, it didn’t seem like the kind of play you should score a long touchdown on. Today, though? The Broncos stared down a formidable opponent and beat ’em. No, these aren’t your slightly-older brother’s Patriots, but we all saw Tom Brady spontaneously ignite against Buffalo in the clutch. Today the defense bottled him up, and the offense took advantage of the NFL’s overtime system just long enough to set up a winning field goal. To me, it was a standout win.

Back to the Rockies…


blaine said...

The Rockies needed to win that game last night. They certainly had their chances, CarGo almost single-handedly kept them in the game, but they just couldn't get one more clutch hit. Also, it doesn't help when Chase Utley is fouling balls off his leg and then getting on base. Hopefully Jimenez will return to his dominating ways tonight.

The Broncos were amazing yesterday! I agree they that yesterday was definitely their most impressive win. (By the way, the best thing about the Wild Horses uniforms was Gaffney turning his socks to look like a barber pole.)

I can't ever remember a defense as bad as it was last year making such a dramatic improvement in only one year. I thought going to the 3-4 was the right decision, but I didn't think they had the personnel to be very good this year. I think after all the crap that the Kid coach has taken since he was awarded the job, he deserves a lot of credit for identifying talent and getting the right players for his schemes. I also think getting Brian Dawkins has made a huge difference.

Go Rockies!

David said...

loved the defensive stand at the end, forcing the fumble.

in the past, other defenses would've crumbled.

now i really wish i had denver as my fantasy d.

i'm also glad that they are the "reality" D too.

John said...

The old adage says that defense wins championships - and our defense is coming up huge. I think a lot of it has to be scheming. I remember when teams first started transitioning to the 4-3, and the first teams to do it had mad success because offenses weren't accustomed to it.

Still, our pass rush has been much improved, and Elvis Dumervil continues to impress.

Our offense is pretty good, but not great. But we aren't making mistakes, which is a huge plus for a guy like Orton.

Thanks for the Joe Collier reference!

And congrats to the Rockies on a great season. I think the team peaked a little too early chasing the division crown - but it was a great season nonetheless.