Today I had church for three hours starting at 10 a.m. The Denver Broncos had their season opener starting at 11 a.m., and NFL games generally run around three hours. Since I went to church, I was sure to miss much of the game.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (TiVo, Media Center PCs or, in my case, the videocassette recorder), though, I didn't have to miss a single play. For years now, fans have been able to come home, watch the game from the start and, depending on their timing, maybe even catch up with the live broadcast. (In my case, I could wait until I was certain the game was over, rewind, and then enjoy, cursing myself only when I realized the tape cuts out with 15 seconds left.)
Anyway, various influences sought to keep me at the church past the conclusion of the meetings. And everyone who tried to keep me there thought it was okay to delay me...after all, I was TiVo-ing the game, wasn't I?
Absolutely not. I never have and, I pray, I never will record a game so I can watch it after it's over. I don't understand how some fans can live with the suspense. I can't. I love the Broncos so much that just knowing that they're safe is more important to me than getting to watch the whole game for my own selfish reasons.
Besides, today's game ended in spectacular fashion, with the team unable to stop the clock and Jason Elam running out and nailing the game-winner. So what do I do if my phone rings seconds after the finish? If I'm taping the game, do I just let it go to voice mail and hope no one ruins it for me? And then do I shut off the phone so I get no texts? Just seal myself off from the world? How is living in ignorance worth that effort, especially when the facts in the case are already settled?
I love the Broncos and have to know immediately if they've won or lost. Personally I feel like I already showed admirable restraint today in never retreating to my car radio and in Googling the score only twice.
What about you guys? Can any of you stand to watch a game and feel the pretend tension after it's already decided?
I'm with you. I DVR'ed the Texas-TCU game on Saturday night because I was in Baltimore at the Orioles-Red Sox game . . . but when I got home, I immediately had to ask Kristina how the game had turned out . . . and, after hearing Texas had won, I fast forwarded through the recording just to make sure.
Now that I live in a world where I get few Broncos games, I swear at the in-studio crews for talking about any other games at halftime or during the post-game.
I guess the easy solution is just not to go to church whenever it conflicts with a Broncos game.
Get a tivo. It will change your life.
Yup. It'll turn me into one of those people who's always telling his friends to get a TiVo.
yeah, and then you'll realize what you've been missing.
it really is nice to be able to pause the game, instead of turning down the volume. then you get to fast forward through commercials.
tivo isn't just for when you'll miss the entire game, but for when you'll miss the first half. it's really brilliant technology.
i personally don't have the restraint to not find out the score. if they won, i'll watch it. if they lost, i burn the tv, the tivo, and any other effigies that remind me of the opposing team.
It seems like your headline could be re-interpreted in light of the Patriots taping the Jets incident this week. Any comment from Hole Punch?
i second that.
belichek is not just the worst dressing coach in the nfl, he's now the most deceitful..
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