Sunday, February 4, 2007

Favre returns

At the end of tonight's Super Bowl, there was a commercial for the NFL. It showed all the fans putting away their team gear, washing off their body paint, and saying goodbye to football. At the end, we saw Brett Favre, and the ad closed with something about how it's harder for some to say goodbye. (As you should know, Favre is coming back to play next season.)

Unlike many bloggers, I'm not part of the anti-Favre backlash of recent years. If he can still play-and he can, even if he's not an MVP candidate -and he wants to, why not? Good for him.

I did see the end of his last game against the Bears. There he was at the end, one of the most exciting and daring players I've seen, with a grey head of hair, choking up about how much he'd miss his teammates if he left...honestly, it was cool. It was probably my favorite part of the year.

Favre will surely go down as either the best or second-best quarterback in the game today. Plus, I can't deny admiring Favre's style. I've been more of a fan of the mobile, physical quarterback (think Favre, Elway, a young McNair, or V.Y.) who wears his heart on his sleeve than I am of the surgical precision of a Manning or Kurt Warner. Nothing against those guys-both of whom are champions now-but they're just not as fun to watch for me. I think another Super Bowl ring is a stretch, but I hope when Favre retires, he gets to go out on a high note.


John said...

I agree in principle that Favre has earned the right to play as long as he wants, but I am getting a little bored with his whole show. I am glad he has already decided to come back next year because the media fiasco surrounding his decision last year was just overkill.

The Packers are in no danger of being good again anytime soon, but neither is anyone else in the NFC North other than the Bears, so he has a chance to go out on the relative top in the next season or so.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Brett Favre moments:

1 the time he got the concussion and the Packers score a touchdown and he came back in in spite of the doctor to throw a 2-point conversion that I believe sent the Packers to overtime.

2 the season he was starting with the broken thumb that kept his streak alive

3 the Monday night game after his dad died where he just could not miss anything-off balance passes, questionable passes across the middle, etc.