Sunday, September 13, 2009


I didn’t see the game (or any pro football today, actually), but with all my pessimism before the season I have to at least link to the highlights of the Broncos’ spectacular win over the Cincinnati Bengals today. What a win!


blaine said...

I can't believe the Broncos won that game. I left right after Cincy scored that TD to go to a meeting sure that the Bengals had won the game because there was only 38 seconds left!

After seeing most of the game, I think you have reason to be a little more optimistic. Their offense left a lot to be desired, but actually I thought their D looked much better, especially their D line. Granted, they played the Bengals yesterday so I guess we will have to see how they do next week.

Mike said...

Yeah, that's the catch, isn't it? I have a friend from Cincinnati who wasn't surprised they lost a game like that...guess we'll see next week, but still, what a start.

David V. said...

I feel worse now about the donkeys then before the win. Yes, I celebrated the win but afterward when I saw the box score I felt dirty. We beat the bungels on a fluke play. woohoo...

We are screwed... And now McD and the Ocho have a winning record. That makes my skin crawl.

John said...

I'm with David V. We needed a once-in-a-lifetime play to pull out a W against the Ben-Gals. Our defense was decent, but look what we were up against. And Orton taking that sack late in the game was completely boneheaded.

I will celebrate when we actually beat somebody.