Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Time to retire?

Shaquille O'Neal, once the most dominant force in the league, once again finds himself the subject of trade rumors.

The latest rumor, which has an awful lot of weight behind it, has him potentially going to Phoenix in exchange for Marcus Banks and Shawn Marion or, in other words, for Shawn Marion.

Shaq, I hope you retire after this season. You've been a force of nature in two different decades and even better, you seem like a terrific guy. But now that you're older, people just up and assume you're soft enough to fit in on the Suns? I just hate to see you treated that way.


blaine said...

This is the dumbest trade of the season so far. Why would the Suns want to take Shaq who is old, out of shape, and way past his prime? I understand the Suns want to improve their interior defense, but Shaq isn't really know for his shot blocking abilities and he's only averaging 7.8 rebounds this season and only 1.7 blocks. I don't really see how he helps the Suns. Plus, now the Suns have to take on his ridiculous contract. They are going to have to pay Shaq $20 million over the next two seasons.

Shawn Marion, on the other hand, is averaging 9.9 rebounds this season and 1.5 blocks.

blaine said...

Actually, this is a good thing for the Nuggets. Good work Phoenix!!

John said...

It is a good deal for the Nuggets and just about every other team except for the Suns. Seriously, the Heat getting Marion for a depleted Shaq - are you joking?

I agree that Shaq should retire while he still has some dignity and goodwill left, and before the Heat fans run him out of town. I think he would make a great in-studio commentator, ala Charles Barkley with some wit and credibility.

David said...

shaq is destined for great things. he is extremely likable on camera, charismatic and fun to watch. none of these traits require that he spend more time on the court.

he should retire.

David said...

shaq is destined for great things. he is extremely likable on camera, charismatic and fun to watch. none of these traits require that he spend more time on the court.

he should retire.

David said...

shaq is destined for great things. he is extremely likable on camera, charismatic and fun to watch. none of these traits require that he spend more time on the court.

he should retire.

David said...

shaq is destined for great things. he is extremely likable on camera, charismatic and fun to watch. none of these traits require that he spend more time on the court.

he should retire.