Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shanahan to coach Redskins

Yes, that is seriously a football team’s name. Anyway, it’s official that the greatest coach in Denver Broncos history is heading to the overexposed NFC East. I twittered about this a bunch tonight so you can hit the link to the right if you want to see what I said. I appreciated more the sentiment from my Sunday Ticket host, who texted, “I feel like my ex-gf just got married.”

And go Nuggets! Crazy win against the Warriors tonight.


blaine said...

I'd like to nominate this: "Carmelo wasn't at the game tonight, was he? Josh McDaniels must've banned him from the building for getting injured" as the best tweet of the week!

I'm not sure if the Nuggets deserved that victory, but with Melo, Billups, Andersen, and now Lawson all injured we need any break we can get!

I've been really impressed with K-Mart stepping up both as a leader and with his production in the absence of Melo and Billups. K-Mart has a double-double in 5 of the last 6 games.

blaine said...

Yesterday the college football post-season mercifully came to a close. I find myself watching fewer and fewer games each passing season. It's hard to get very excited about college football when the post-season consists of 34 exhibition games.

Here's to hoping that Boise State gets a high enough ranking pre-season next year that they will have a shot at crashing the championship game!

Wasn't Obama going to push for a playoff system?!

Mike said...

Thanks! (to your first comment)

Props to K-Mart...I didn't expect anything out of the Nuggets with Chauncey and 'Melo out, so I'll take it.

I watched the Fiesta Bowl and enjoyed doing so, though it was kinda just swapping punts for a long time. Cool game. I thought TCU was going to play better after the season they had. Love their cheerleaders, though. That's inappropriate. It would be nice if Boise State had played more real teams, though.

The President is in favor of a playoff system; I'd love it if he started putting pressure on the NCAA/BCS/whoever, and no, I am not kidding.