Sunday, January 24, 2010

Conference Championships

The games today were predictable (AFC) and sloppy (NFC), and only one moment (the Saints' FG) was as cool as Carmelo's OT free throws Saturday, but here are my brief thoughts on what we've learned about the teams:

New York Jets:
None of the teams whose seasons are over did more with their potential this year than the New York Jets. Their foundation was less solid than anyone else in the final four. Mark Sanchez is limited as a quarterback, particularly in his rookie season, but the team asked just the right amount of him, especially in the postseason. Their defense and running game are very good; will Sanchez get better quickly enough that the team returns to this point next year? And will teams like the Ravens and Patriots not improve enough to challenge them? It's too early to call next year, but Jets fans have a team to be proud of.

Indianapolis Colts: In the second half of the NFC title game, it hit me: the Colts are almost surely winning the Super Bowl again. I hate that, being as sick as I am of Peyton Manning, who absolutely did not deserve this year's MVP award. Other things I hate? The fact that Bobby Turner, the Broncos' longtime running back coach, has gone to Washington. Not sure how I missed that when it happened, but there goes my weekend. (I recently gave a USC fan some crap about Pete Carroll leaving; I'm barely exaggerating when I say this is just as devastating. Love that guy, way more than Josh.)

Minnesota Vikings: Sad day for Mr. Favre, who played tough through injury, then ended a fantastic year with a boneheaded toss across the middle. The Vikings refused to hang on to the ball today, and while they're clearly very talented, they refused to play up to the moment. They had so many chances they let pass them by.

New Orleans Saints: Classic Reggie Bush-in-a-big-game moment on that muffed punt return. The Saints didn't step up and make today's game their own. Rather, they took advantage of some bad Vikings turnovers, won a coin toss, and made just enough plays to be ahead on the scoreboard at the end. You can call that winning a conference championship if you'd like, but the Colts have been on the game's biggest stage before and gotten it done, as much as it pains me to say. One last thought: the game-winning field goal in OT? That's not the kind of play this franchise makes. Their fans must be going nuts right now. Everybody loves the Saints; let's hope they have enough in them to make this Super Bowl a memorable one.


John said...

A very accurate rundown. The Jets had a great run but were clearly outgunned yesterday. The Vikings are allergic to holding on to the ball, and Favre looked like a rookie QB with his interceptions across the middle. I would like to say the Saints were "opportunistic," but I think that gives them too much credit.

Here's hoping the Saints can pull out some kind of miracle in two weeks . . .

blaine said...

I'm worried that because Favre will not want his last pass to be an interception that he might come back AGAIN next year. I guess I can't blame him if he does, it would really suck to have to think about that last pass the rest of your life.

I was really expecting the Saints and Vikings to give us a better game yesterday. The Vikings looked like the more talented team, they just beat themselves with turnovers and dumb penalties.

I don't care who wins the Super Bowl, I just want it to be a good game. It would be cool to see the Saints win a title, but I wouldn't mind seeing Peyton win another ring either.

Why won't the NFL change the overtime rules at least in the post season? The whole coin flip and field goal thing is really anti-climatic. Why not just play another quarter of football? or eliminate field goals in OT? Anything would be better than the current system.