Friday, December 18, 2009

Shanahan to Washington?

I have a plane to catch…in several hours, but anyway, I’m too lazy to write about this. The Denver Post is reporting that Mike Shanahan may well be heading to the Redskins, which is sad because how well did it work for him the last time he had a control-freak owner? (And at least Al Davis knew football.) If anything big happens with this over the weekend, I’ll post some thoughts on Twitter.

1 comment:

John said...

Intriguingly, I had to dig on to find an article on this topic(, and that article really softpedaled the story. Everyone around here is too busy rejoicing at the departure of Vinny Cerrato, the worst professional sports executive since Isiah Thomas.

Anyway, the article made it sound like the Redskins were thinking about Shanny, but were weighing their options and might wait until after the season to make a decision. Of course, there is plenty of speculation around Gruden because Bruce Allen has hired him twice. I would take that to get him out of the MNF booth.